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TMJ Disorders and Chiropractic Care: Insights from Norwalk’s Chiropractic Expert, Dr. Thomas French

An image depicting a patient consulting with a chiropractor about TMJ disorders in a professional clinic setting. The patient gestures towards their jaw to indicate discomfort, while the chiropractor listens attentively, ready to offer treatment options. The background features a model of the spine and educational posters, suggesting a focus on cervical spine issues and TMJ. The environment emphasizes a supportive and caring approach to patient care, highlighting the potential for chiropractic treatment to provide relief for TMJ disorders.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders represent a complex and often misunderstood condition that affects countless individuals, causing pain and discomfort that can significantly impact quality of life. As an experienced chiropractor based in Norwalk, CT, I have encountered numerous cases of TMJ, with some patients finding relief through chiropractic treatment. This article aims to shed light on how chiropractic care can be a valuable part of a multidisciplinary approach to managing TMJ, particularly when misalignments in the cervical spine are contributing to the problem.

Understanding TMJ Disorders

TMJ disorders encompass a range of issues affecting the jaw joint and the muscles responsible for jaw movement. Symptoms can vary widely but often include jaw pain, difficulty chewing, and a clicking or locking jaw. While the exact cause of TMJ disorders can be challenging to pinpoint, factors such as bite misalignment, arthritis in the TMJ, and stress-related clenching or grinding of teeth are commonly implicated.

The Chiropractic Perspective on TMJ

In my practice, I’ve observed that TMJ disorders can sometimes be linked to or exacerbated by issues in the cervical spine. Misalignments or subluxations in the neck can affect the muscles and nerves connected to the jaw, leading to symptoms characteristic of TMJ disorders. Here’s how chiropractic care can help:

1. Addressing Cervical Spine Misalignments: Through gentle and precise adjustments, chiropractic treatment aims to correct misalignments in the cervical spine, potentially relieving the tension and dysfunction that can contribute to TMJ symptoms.

2. Improving Joint Function: By restoring proper alignment and mobility to the spine, chiropractic care can help ensure that the neuromusculoskeletal system functions more harmoniously, which may, in turn, alleviate stress on the TMJ.

3. Reducing Muscle Tension: Chiropractic techniques, including soft tissue therapy, can help relax the muscles of the neck and jaw, reducing pain and improving the range of motion.

A Multidisciplinary Approach

It’s important to acknowledge that TMJ disorders often require a multidisciplinary approach for effective management. In cases where a bite misalignment or a specific issue within the TMJ itself is identified as the primary cause, collaboration with dental professionals or specialists in TMJ disorders may be necessary. However, when symptoms are linked to or exacerbated by cervical spine issues, chiropractic care can offer significant relief.


If you’re struggling with TMJ symptoms and suspect a connection to spinal health, chiropractic care may provide the relief you’ve been searching for. As a dedicated chiropractor in Norwalk, CT, I am committed to helping my patients achieve optimal health through personalized, holistic treatment plans. If you’re experiencing TMJ discomfort and are curious about the potential benefits of chiropractic care, I invite you to reach out and schedule a consultation.

At Thomas French, DC – Chiropractor, we believe in a comprehensive approach to wellness that addresses the root causes of discomfort and pain, including TMJ disorders. Let us help you on your journey to a more comfortable, pain-free life.

Contact us today to explore how chiropractic care can be part of your solution to TMJ-related discomfort.